We are all aware that Japan is a very developed country nowadays. Japan is one of the leading countries not only in Asia but in the whole world. But the question is, How did Japan able to attain this?
Several years ago, Japan had their rapid increase in their economic growth. Their average economic growth during that 1960s to 1970s is around 7.5%. But this rapid grow leads to different environmental crisis and different diseases, these are the Itai-ita disease, Minamata disease and the Yokkaichi Asthma.
First of all, the Itai-Itai disease or it hurts it hurts disease. This disease is cause of cadmium poisoning. It leads to kidney failure and bone softening. Due to cadmium poisoning, fishes in the river died. The water in the river became contaminated and this is the one being use to irrigate the rice. And because of this, the rice absorbed heavy metals. And people were able to eat these contaminated rice. All of these happened because of the mining companies.
Another disease that arouse in Japan is what we call the Minamata Disease. This disease is cause of Mercury poisoning. During the 1956, it was the Chisso Corporation's chemical factory that releases methyl mercury in the industrial wastewater. This toxic contaminated the Minamata Bay and the Shiranui Sea. And because the bay and the sea is contaminated, and the very main source of food of people is the water. People were able to ate contaminated sea foods. This disease is much severe than of the Itai-itai disease. It is not only human who are affected in disease, but also the animals. One of the most affected animal is the cat. There even came the dancing cat fever.
Lastly is the Yokkaichi Asthma. This is due to the burning of petroleum and crude oil. This lead to the huge release amount of the sulfur oxide. And because of this, there came severe smog which causes different diseases, some of these are the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema and bronchial asthma. People were not able to sleep at night because of their asthma.
Because of these, Japan decided to focus on their laws regarding economy and environment. People wants a change, they rallied and asked the Government to stop this economic growth. They rather choose to pay high amount to their needs than to have this rapid economic growth. They wants to have economic growth but with consideration to the environment and to the people.
After several years, they have proven that these companies were the main reason of the environmental problem. Because of this, the companies were subjected to pay the damages they have done to the people. Trillions and Billions of money were release because the damage is too big. After these, Japan made solutions were they can have economic growth while protecting the environment. And as of now, I could say that Japan is one of the cleanest country. For I have proven it with myself.
We can see here that they have still maintained the beauty of nature as they have their economic growth. Here it proves that people are the powerful one, they are the one that who rule their country. And it is good to see that Japan accepted all changes for them to improve their lives. Because in the end, they are still the one who will benefit in these changes. Now, Japan is continue to grow and Japan is continue to care for their nature. Everyone follows the rules and regulations, and anyone who had disobeyed their laws will be punish in the right manner and in the right time. I hope that in our very own country, the Philippines, we will be able to have this economic growth and people will have to accept all changes that will benefit both. Changes are made to improve not to destroy, so if we want improvement we must accept all changes that will happen. Let us not look for our own benefit but the benefit of everyone. And if we really want to improve, let us start the change in ourselves.