Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability is a combination of two words. Sustain and ability.

Sustain comes from the Middle English word sustenen. From Anglo-French sustein-, stem of sustenir, From Latin sustinere to hold up, sustain, from sub-, sus- up + tenere to hold. It means to give support or relief to.

Ability is the quality or state of being able to do a certain things, especially in physical, mental or legal power to perform.

Sustain + Ability = Sustainability
Sustainability means the quality or state of being to be able, to hold up, or to give support in a certain thing. There are lots of things that is needed to be sustained. One of these things is our life. We humans do everything we can to sustain our life. But, sustaining our life needs to sustain other things. The environment also needs to be sustained to prolong its life and productivity and having sustained environment, it is an assurance that we can also sustain our life. It is a give and  take relationship. We sustain the life of the environment and the environment will sustain the human life.

Based from wikipedia. The simple definition of sustainability is improving the quality of human life while living the carrying capacity of supporting eco-systems.  There are a number of major ways of reducing negative human impact. The first of these is environmental management. This approach is based largely on information gained from earth science, environmental science and conservation biology. The second approach is management of human consumption of resources, which is based largely on information gained from economics. A third more recent approach adds cultural and political concerns into the sustainability matrix.

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